Five Tips on How NOT to Take Advantage of Outsourcing through Elance.com – Long-time Elance Provider, TheFlawlessWord.com, Provides Advice for Buyers of Freelance Services
Long-time Elancer Kathy Kehrli of TheFlawlessWord.com provides tips for Elance.com buyers on how to secure the best service providers for their projects.
Scranton, Pa. (PRWeb.com) March 7, 2007 – Controversy comes shrouded in many costumes, but none so thinly veiled as a recent press release that advised freelance buyers on how to go about outsourcing their projects on Elance.com. When word of the advice contained within this press release spread to several Elance service providers, including one of the author’s very own clients, TheFlawlessWord.com, a flurry of contention ensued. This war of words resulted in the gauntlet being thrown down over what exactly constitutes an effectively phrased and executed Elance project.
“The author of that press release has been an ongoing client of mine for well over a year, and he found me through Elance.com. His advice for other Elance.com buyers, however, clearly exhibits the deep chasm that exists between outsourcing buyer and service provider,” says Kathy Kehrli, owner of TheFlawlessWord.com and a seven-year Elance veteran.
Kehrli advises, “If price is your only consideration and quality is irrelevant, then by all means turn Elance.com into a game of charades. If, however, you’re seeking a true professional who will provide with a high-quality finished product at market-fair pricing, consider the following course of action instead.”
1. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Although it is true that Elance institutes bid minimums, requesting ten articles instead of one won’t necessarily save you any money, especially if you don’t need those extra nine. That’s because an established professional is likely to offer significant discounts only on very large-scale projects.
2. Never use the phrase, “This is a simple and easy project for someone who knows what they’re doing.” It’s a general consensus among Elance service providers that this phrase is a major turnoff. If you use it, you’ll very likely alienate the best Elance providers.
3. Never use the phrase, “Heck, you get a free education while you listen to this.” Professional providers aren’t interested in learning something irrelevant for free. They come to Elance to earn a viable living, not to get a free education. Elancer Tammy Valentine of Imagecaster.net explains, “I've learned some useful information from some of my assignments, but nothing worth lowering my price.”
4. Don’t be vague about your project budget. Don’t beat around the bush with a “Not Sure” designation. Professional freelancers know what they’re worth and will often up their rates at the slightest indication a buyer is clueless about the price range the market demands.
5. Don’t balk at upfront deposit requests. Be prepared to put one down to secure the very best provider. Most experienced Elancers have instituted such deposits to protect themselves from unscrupulous buyers.
For more information on how you can make the most of your Elance.com buying experience, contact Kathy Kehrli through her Web site, http://www.TheFlawlessWord.com.
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